
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lose and Preserve

Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. -Luke 17:33

That's a horrible world out there. And inside.

Each day we battle with thousands, millions of decisions where we want to live without God. Skipping a prayer meeting because can't miss the party those cool guys throw out. Decided not to come to church as Saturday night is gonna be ladies night!

To be more precise, we wake up and have that anticipation to tell ourselves or to have this done: I want to live on my own!

One living example that I see. A bunch of kids who joined the youth service; they never missed one service, they learned the instrument with commitment and played during worship, they still show up even though it's time for Bible study, they helped out all the time during Christmas, they enjoyed so much to meet new friends and care for those newcomers, they share their happiness with people for being in the church,......

but once it came to the decision 'I wanna give my life to Christ,' they stopped at the door of gospel and hesitate, juggling a while whether they should really knock.

Because common sense makes us think, once we knock, we are gonna be Christ's slave forever and there are so many things that I haven't done which I really wanna do. Maybe a little while later.

So, they decided to wait. Till the day where they are free for Christ because their schedules are packed now.

So, they took off, really on their own, to different places and slowly, they lost the very remaining fire and Jesus is yet another name to be clicked 'like' on the fb but without any really intimate connection. Church is a place to hang out during Christmas. The rest of the days, work, bf/gf, traveling and whatever plans they squeezed from their mind just to make their lives look fulfilled. But inside there is just emptiness and never fulfilled.

Because we all believe in the LIE that we can live a better life out of ourselves but ah ah, not with God.

We are somehow like the Prodigal Son, we can't wait to venture the world, so we asked some permission from our DAD, sort of and we flew away.

But we made a little different promise that we will always come back. However, we didn't.

There are so many beautiful things that blurred our sight that we no longer put it on Jesus.

The Father of Lies is telling us that you sure gonna feel better if you eat that apple.

And we bought that, all the time.

Let me tell you this. I am one of these people. Everyone is so capable of being beaten to the ground.

But Grace lifts us up to the platform and give us the free chance to make choice again and battle on. It has to be cried out for.

I believe there is Heaven and Hell.

Yet I also believe that each day we get to choose to enter Heaven or Hell.

For as [a man] thinks within himself, so he is. -Proverbs 23:7

There is a freewill to make choice. Whether I'm gonna be with God today or I'm gonna not be. And the result is Heaven or Hell.

This choice is somehow called attitude as regarded by people. How you respond to the situation is always more important that the situation itself.

Some people were too indulged in the pleasure of sins as if there is a warm bed in the valley.

Some were ashamed away.

That's the opposite. Where the Truth is, His strength is always perfected in our weakness. The bad choices should always bring us closer to Him but not making us to shrink away.

In Narnia 2, C.S Lewis wrote, Aslan said to Prince Caspian, 'When you said you are not ready, then you are.'

'Commit' perhaps is a BIG word. But you surely don't want to miss the BIG LIFE behind the word.

Giving our lives to Christ is not the time when we lose our freedom but it's time when Christ set us free so we cried out 'ABBA, Father'.

Giving our lives to Christ is not when we lose ourselves but we found ourselves.

Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. -Luke 17:33

That's a horrible world out there!

You need God!