At the worst possible time, we were stuck. We can't found where the problem comes from and because of this, we can never solve it. Because this is what we are always learning in life, when things surfaced, when moves were stopped, when the most perfect plan was blocked, when failures embraced, when we thought everyone would be looking down on us even tough they didn't, when the circumstances tore us down and we felt so fragile, we find where the problem is, we apply the formula and it's solved.
But now here it comes, you can't find where the problem comes from, and so when it threatens and even harms you, you are so vulnerable to surrender to the destruction.
Just like a new virus came for a new challenge, we can't identify, we can't find a medicine, a solution and so we give up to the invasion and slowly the virus stay and control and live in us.
We were stuck with two things. One is between finding the source and solving. One is becoming more and more aware of 'There's nothing you can do about it'.
So, we sat there and waited for a new hope which never came forever. We were angry with the new hope that never cared for us.
Loneliness seeped in. No one is your friend, no one can be your helper, no one understands you and even the new hope gives you a 'no'.
So, we tried to save ourselves. We stared at the problem and thought we could do something. But somehow the fear always with hold our courage, our breathe, our confidence, 'We could do something, but in fact actually there's nothing we can do'.
And then we were stuck again. And each time we were stuck again, we were weaker for the next time. And so it was on and on and on.
It was endless until the life you once rejoiced about, cherished, fought for had wondered, 'How did I get here?'
Who am I? We tried to believe who we once were, trying to do better, but we couldn't shake the feeling of fear about 'We haven't find the source'.
We yelled, we ran, we jumped, we couldn't sleep, we stared blankly and we hold on to a life which doesn't sound like a life anymore.
And then people around us just never stop getting any better. They laughed, smiled, ran for life, shout for success, jump over triumph, sleep on achievements......and then the question came again, 'Who am I?'
We are not jealous. But we are upset on our own, on the difference between people and lives, on the margin, the failures that never end......
Then, at this worst possible time, worst possible, someone came and told you how great is the value of you. He said, 'You are as worthy as the life I had given on cross. You are as worthy as the flesh and blood I offered. You are worthy to be back to the start again. You are worthy for me to walk beside you this time. You are worthy for my grace to let you see. You are worthy to call out my name because you are worthy to be called my child. And most importantly, I had bought you with price.'
This song and more from Tenth Avenue North's album [The Light Meets The Dark] will inspire you something new about who you are in Christ.
p.s I wasn't writing a review for this album.
Instead what you had just read was about my story for more than a year until a few minutes ago.
Thank you for reading.
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